1. What’s a sports commission? What’s your mission? 

The Durham Sports Commission (DSC) was established in 2016 and is a 501(c)(3). Our mission is to create economic and social impact by leading the community’s efforts to attract, support, and promote youth, amateur, collegiate, and professional sporting and recreational events. The DSC is governed by a Board of Directors that is made up of nine members appointed by the City of Durham, Durham Chamber of Commerce and Durham County

2. How is the Durham Sports Commission funded? 

The DSC is funded in part by the City of Durham and Durham County Occupancy Tax funds, along with individual sponsors and corporate partnerships. These funds are used to help local events grow, as well as bid on or sponsor external events choosing Durham as their host community.

3. How does the Durham Sports Commission curate events on the DSC website?

We’re connected to our community and work to ensure every single sporting event that happens in Durham is included on our events calendar.  We’re always happy to include submissions from folks, so long as they’re in Durham, and sports-related! Submit your event here 

4. How can the Durham Sports Commission help make my event successful?

We’re positioning ourselves as Durham’s biggest advocate for sports events in Durham, and our job is to be your event’s most helpful ally as you bring competition here. Do you need advice on the best route for a 5K? The best weekend to host a golf tournament? Are you looking for volunteers, collateral, or welcome bags? We can help. We encourage event owners to schedule a consultation meeting with our experienced staff so we can talk through all the potential services we can offer your event.

5. What’s the grant application process for events? 

The DSC grant process is open to event owners who are operating a sports event in Durham. The DSC Board of Directors votes on each and every grant application. Download the grant application here.

6. What type of events do you host?   

Any and all! Youth, amateur, and professional sporting events happening in Durham, are all in our wheelhouse. The exception is regular-season events. For example, we don’t know who will coach your son’s I9 team and only assist the Durham Bulls and universities with regular-season games on occasion. We are focused on sports tourism and the economic and social impact of sports here in Durham.

7. How can I get involved?   

Send us an email! We’d love to hear from you. 

8. How do I bring my event to Durham and what is the process?  

First step, send us an email! We’d love to start the conversation and are ready to assist!

9. How is the DSC related to Discover Durham?  

The DSC is operated by Discover Durham. This means that when you work with the DSC team you also have the support of the entire Discover Durham team!